Basilique Santa Maria delle Vigne

The Basilica of Santa Maria delle Vigne, whose construction started in the 10th century, is one of the oldest Catholic churches in Genoa. It rises on land that corresponds to the vineyards of the king, hence its name.

About this building

Other nearby buildings

San Pietro in Banchi

The church of San Pietro in Banchi in its current structure dates back to the end of the 16th century. It was built in the place where centuries before a religious building already stood, destroyed at the end of the 14th century during the struggles of faction between Guelphs and Ghibellines.

Chiesa di San Matteo

Completed in 1125, the Gothic church of San Matteo is located in the “Molo”, the best preserved medieval district of Genoa.

Genoa Cathedral

Built on a former basilica site, the Cathedral of San Lorenzo was erected around 1098. Partly reworked until the seventeenth century, the church displays many styles ranging from Gothic to Mannerism.