Bjørke Church

The Bjørke church dates from 1696, but the first church built in Bjørke was built as early as the 11th century. Around 1330 a small Stave church was built. In 1660 the Stave church was so dilapidated that it was demolished. Today's church in Bjørke was designed by Oluf and Christopher Vestby and Jens Laage.

About this building

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Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Visitors information

  • Bus stop within 100m
  • Level access to the main areas
  • Car park at the building
  • Accessible toilets in the building

Other nearby buildings

Nannestad Church

The church in Nannestad was partially demolished and enlarged in 1693, but parts of the oldest Romanesque stone church, dating from around 1200, have been preserved. During the expansion, the original basic shape of the church, with a rectangular nave and a lower, narrower choir, was retained. In addition, a porch was built in front of the west entrance. On the north side of the choir, a sacristy was built in 1721. In 1946, the church was restored under the direction of architect Ragnar Nilsen and the painter Ulf Hendriksen.

Stensgård kirke

Stensgård Church is a long church from 1902. The church was built according to the same plans as the Landsmarka chapel and originally had the same style inspired by the Stave church. In 1954-55, however, it was rebuilt according to the plans of Wilhelm Karlson. At the same time, the church received new furniture.

Mogreina Church

The Mogreina church is a long church dating back to 1912. The architect was Ole Stein, and the builder Karl Olsrud was responsible for the construction. The interior and a large part of the furnishings were modified in 1961 after the church was equipped with a new organ in 1958. The church has a tower at the main entrance to the south.