Brunkeberg Church

Brunkeberg church is a cruciform church from 1790 The builder was Saamund Gjersund from Morgedal. The painting work was done by Aslak Nestestog from Vinje.

About this building

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Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Visitors information

  • Bus stop within 100m

Other nearby buildings

Kviteseid Church

Kviteseid Church is a long church built of brick and decorated with local red granite. The church was consecrated on 18 June 1916, the day before Fjågesund Church, which was built in parallel. It then took over from the former Kviteseid church as the main church of Kviteseid.

Old church of Kviteseid

The old church of Kviteseid is a stone church from the 13th century. In the 18th century, the church was given a porch in front of the south portal. The roofer is from the 19th century. In 1915 a new church was built and the old church was taken out of use. The choir has a dedication cross from the 13th century and frescoes of animals, ships, a soldier and inscriptions, probably from the 15th-16th century.

Seljord Church

Seljord Church is a stone church in Romanesque style, built between 1150 and 1180 and restored by the National Heritage Board between 1965 and 1972. The church has an elongated nave and an almost square choir with an apse. The porch to the west dates from around 1630, and the only sculptural decoration in the church is in the corner of the nave to the north-east, representing a man's head with a beard. The church is located on the road to St. Olav.