Cáceres Cathedral

Cáceres Cathedral was built in the 15th and 16th centuries on the basis of a 13th-century Mudejar construction. The three Gothic naves, almost the same height, have barrel vaults that extend into the fine engaged columns of the pillars.

About this building

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Other nearby buildings

Wikimedia Commons/José Luis Filpo Cabana

Cathedral of Coria

The construction of the Cathedral of Coria began in 1498 and was completed 250 years later, in 1748. The earthquake of 1 November 1755, which destroyed Lisbon, seriously damaged it. The cathedral is in Transitional Gothic style, with important Plateresque and Baroque additions. The tower bell tower designed by Manuel de Lara Churriguera (1690-1755).

Wikimedia Commons/Juanje 2712

Basilica of Santa Eulalia

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