Câlnic Fortified Church

The Câlnic castle was built around 1270 and equipped with a residential tower, defence wall and a water ditch featuring a drawbridge. After the castle was taken over by the Saxon community, it was expanded through the construction of a second defence wall and a southern tower. For a better defence against sieges, granaries and several rooms were attached to the fortification wall, however they did not last to the present day. The fortress was provided with a small single-nave church featuring a semicircular apse towards the end of the 15th century. During the construction of the second defence wall, the water ditch was covered up and the drawbridge replaced with a gatehouse featuring a portcullis. Today, an association of the University of Cluj administrates the facility.
About this building
For more information visit on this building visit https://kirchenburgen.org/en/location/kelling-calnic/