Cathedral of Acireale

The Cathedral of Acireale was built as a simple parish church in 1597. It was then considerably enlarged to receive the relics of St. Venera, one of the two patron saints of the town. The two bell towers, in Mannerist style, are built centuries apart: the one in the south, like the dome, was built in 1655, and the one in the north, with the rose window, dates back to 1890. The Baroque interior dates from the 17th century. The church has been the seat of the bishopric of Acireale since 1870.

About this building

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Visitors information

  • Parking within 250m
  • Café within 500m

Other nearby buildings

Wikimedia Commons/Luca Aless

Church of San Biagio

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Wikimedia Commons/giggel

Church of San Placido

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Wikimedia Commons/Luca Aless

Catania Cathedral

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