Chiesa del Santo Volto

Santo Volto was built between 2004 and 2006 on a design by Mario Botta. The building draws its inspiration from the industrial district in which it is located, an ancient chimney was even intentionally left beside the church.
Santo Volto was built between 2004 and 2006 on a design by Mario Botta. The building draws its inspiration from the industrial district in which it is located, an ancient chimney was even intentionally left beside the church.
The sanctuary of the Consolata, or Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione, is one of the oldest places of worship of Turin. It is now used by the Consolata Missionaries congregation.
The church of San Dalmazzo was completely rebuilt from 1702 and rebuilt in a neo-Gothic style in 1885. There are many valuable works of art, including 19th century frescoes, paintings and altars of 17th and 18th centuries.
The church of San Francesco d'Assisi was erected for the first time in medieval times, but its distinctive Baroque style was given to it during a renovation between 1608 and 1761.