Chiesa di Santa Lucia

The Church of St. Lucia was built in 1938 and designed by the Roman architect Tullio Rossi, author of several churches built in the capital between 1930 and 1960. Important restorations were carried out in the 1990s, with the construction of a new presbytery and the Adoration chapel.

About this building

Visitors information

  • Bus stop within 100m
  • On street parking at the building
  • Café within 500m

Other nearby buildings

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Chiesa di San Pio X

The Church of Saint Pius X was designed by Alberto Ressa and was built from 1956 to 1961. In 1963 the final sequences of the science fiction horror film The Last Man on Earth, directed by Ubaldo Ragona or Sidney Salkow (1964), were filmed inside and outside the church.

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Church of Santa Maria del Rosario in Prati

The Church of Santa Maria del Rosario in Prati was built at the beginning of the 20th century and completed between 1912 and 1916 in neo-gothic style by the architect Giuseppe Ribaldi. The interior has three naves divided by pillars and five arches. The interior paintings are by Giovan Battista Conti.

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Church of San Gioacchino in Prati

The Church of San Gioacchino in Prati was built at the request of Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903), from 1891 to 1911, although the church opened its doors in 1898. The church, built by the architect Raffaele Ingami, has three naves, in the shape of a Latin cross, separated by pink granite columns with bronze capitals. It appears sumptuously decorated with polychrome marble and metal furniture. The central door is flanked by two columns donated by the Tsar of Russia.
