Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena delle Convertite

The Church of the Convertite was founded in the 16th century with an Augustinian convent, running an institute for the "Convertite", mostly former prostitutes. The converts learned to read, sew and weave, as well as recite psalms and devotions. The complex was abolished by Napoleonic decrees in 1806. A military prison was set up in the convent, which was later transformed by Francesco Giuseppe into a prison for women in 1837.

About this building

Key Features

  • Architecture

Visitors information

  • Café within 500m

Other nearby buildings

Wikimedia Commons/Luca Aless

Chiesa dei Gesuati

The present church of Santa Maria del Rosario, commonly known as the Gesuati church, was built between 1726 and 1743 for the Dominican friars. The name Gesuati comes from the religious order, suppressed in 1668, which had a church and above all, a large convent in the area, later bought by the Dominicans. With the suppression of the religious orders in 1810, the church became a parish church.

Wikimedia Commons/Andrzej Otrębski

Chiesa di Sant'Agnese

The church of Sant'Agnese was founded between the 10th and 11th centuries. In the following centuries, several architectural interventions took place, especially in the Gothic and Baroque periods. Jacopo de' Barbari's plan of 1500 also shows the presence of a Gothic portico in front of the façade, which has now disappeared. In 1810, the church was closed to worship as a result of Napoleonic decrees and much of the interior decoration was lost. The church was again used for worship in the mid-19th century after restoration work that left little of the original structure.

Didier Descouens / CC BY-SA 3.0

Chiesa di San Sebastiano

The present church of San Sebastiano was begun in 1505 to a design by Antonio Abbondi, known as Lo Scarpagnino, completed in 1548 and consecrated in 1562. On the site where the church now stands, there was once a hospice founded by the friars of the congregation of San Girolamo around 1393. The new building has a classical façade but a Renaissance interior.