Church of Notre-Dame

Symbol of the city, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Sées would be, according to medieval chronicles, the fifth Christian construction on the same site. The history of the building is more than eventful, alternating destruction due to wars or fires and periods of restoration.

About this building

The façade of the cathedral dates from the 14th century, as do its two stone bell towers, which rise to a height of 70 metres. The porch is reminiscent of those of Chartres Cathedral, built at the same time (around 1220-1240), but the statues were unfortunately destroyed during the Revolution. The wrought-iron gates date from the mid-18th century. Inside, the Norman Gothic-style nave has seven bays, the first of which is taken from the consolidation masonry. It is the oldest part of the cathedral (early 13th century). The transept, rather in French Gothic style, dates from the end of the 13th century or the beginning of the 14th. Its two arms are illuminated by rose windows.

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Stained glass
  • Monuments

Visitors information

  • Level access to the main areas
  • Parking within 250m
  • Café within 500m

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