Church of Saint Etienne

This impressive Gothic style church was built in the 13th century. A jewel of the Middle Ages with its stained-glass windows and architecture, this church underwent three major phases of work: the first in the 13th century, the second in the 14th, and the last in the 16th century.

About this building

Extended plan building. The flat bedside table is lit by a beautiful rose window. The stained glass windows in the high windows represent 14th century churchmen. The others show the evolution of the art and techniques of light.

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Stained glass

Other nearby buildings

Evry Cathedral

The architect Mario Botta is the author of this construction.
The construction of the cathedral began in 1992 and was completed in 1995.

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Church of Saint-Christophe

Numerous archaeological excavations were carried out around the church, bringing to light Merovingian sarcophagi and burials possibly dating back to the 15th century. The neo-Gothic stained glass windows of the chevet date from 1854: the three canopies depict the life of Christ. The stained glass of the northern chapel is dedicated to the Virgin and that of the southern chapel to Saint Genevieve.

Créteil Cathedral

Originally, Notre-Dame de Créteil Cathedral was built by the architect Charles-Gustave Stoskopf and inaugurated in 1976. But the building, too small and too buried in the urban fabric, required an architectural overhaul. Thus, on 20 September 2015, the new, larger and more visible building, created by the Architecture-Studio agency and replacing the old one destroyed in 2013, was inaugurated. The plan was designed as a continuation of the old Stoskopf building.