Church of Saint-Gilles de Fougy

The church of Saint-Gilles de Fougy, a listed historical monument, is located in Bourg-Saint-Leonard, Normandy. This old chapel, built in the twelfth century, became, the following century, one of the fourteen priory-cures dependent on the Abbey of Silly-en-Gouffern. The value of this building lies in the exceptional decoration of the choir, dated from the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th century.

About this building

The Church of Saint-Gilles de Fougy, a listed historical monument, is located in Bourg-Saint-Leonard, Normandy. This former chapel, built in the twelfth century, depended on the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Évrout before becoming, the following century, one of the fourteen priories-cures dependent on the Premonstratensian abbey of Silly-en-Gouffern.

The Romanesque church, which opens onto a bell tower, is composed of a rectangular nave and a choir of the sixteenth century. Sandstone pots, used to reinforce the acoustics, have been found inside the walls.

The building has exceptional decoration in the choir, dating from the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. This includes a life size fresco composed of twenty-six characters, painted on wood. There is also a 16th century statue of Saint Gilles.

Key Features

  • Architecture

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Sauvegarde de l'Art Français

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