Church of Saint-Laurent, Aix-en-Pévèle

The parish church St Laurent of Aix-Lez-Orchies is located in the region of Hauts de France. Originally a chapel of a 10th century feudal castle , it is erected on a former Gallo-Roman site. Over the centuries, many improvements were made to this Romanesque building, whose orientation was reversed in the eighteenth century by the addition of a choir. This profound change did not alter the character or unity of the building.

About this building

Perched on a mound, the parish church St Laurent is in the "Country of Pévèle" in the Hauts de France region. It is surrounded by a cemetery.

Originally a chapel of a feudal castle built in the 10th century (in a Carolingian primitive style), the church is itself built on a Gallo-Roman site, of which remains can still be seen in the in its foundations. This castle belonged successively to the family of the Landas, then to the Chastel of the Howardries who received it following a marriage.

Over the centuries, many improvements were made to this Romanesque building, which in the 10th century had only a rectangular nave and an almost square choir oriented along the axis of the sunrise on St Lawrence's day. In the eleventh century, a bell tower was added above the choir. In the 15th century, the rectangular nave was flanked by aisles, while in the 17th century, two chapels were added on either side of the chancel.

But it was in the eighteenth century that the most profound change was made. In order to enlarge the church, its orientation was changed by abandoning the primitive choir (under the bell tower) for a new choir built in the west. During the nineteenth century, many changes were made to this building which was formerly attached to the Diocese of Tournai (Belgium).

The revered saint in this church is Saint Lawrence, whose worship began in the region around the 9th century. Martyred on the stake in 258 AD, St Lawrence is invoked for healing burns and skin irritations.

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Other nearby buildings

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Church of Saint-Vaast

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Sauvegarde de l'Art Français
Bell tower on a sunny day

Church of Saint-Martin

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Tournai Cathedral

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