Church of Sainte-Germaine

The church is modest in appearance, but you only have to go inside to see all its riches at first glance. The arcatures of the chapels are surmounted by a delicate mural fresco, in ten paintings, illustrating episodes from the life of Saint Germaine de Pibrac. The baptistery, for its part, harmonizes with the nave and is similar to the Romanesque style. Finally, the church has a rich interior decoration, the work of talented local painters.

About this building

The first church was located to the east of the village, near the cemetery, at the place called "Le fort". Then in 1630, during a visit the bishop declared that the church was too small to be enlarged. In the 19th century, the building was in such a dilapidated state that it was abandoned. A new church, dedicated to Saint Germaine, was built between 1868 and 1875. The bell tower was completed in 1882. This church opens with a neo-gothic portal, decorated with nails and wrought ironwork, also surmounted by a stone carved with a nimbed lamb's head. It is also noticeable that the tribune is lit by a twin bay.

Key Features

  • Interior features
  • Atmosphere / quiet space

Visitors information

  • Car park at the building
  • Muddy boot friendly

Other nearby buildings

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