Church of St. Mary, Stendal

The church of St. Mary was first mentioned in 1283 as a Romanesque basilica. At the end of the 14th century, the building was given two towers and from 1420 onwards, a church with three Gothic naves was built in its place. The church has an interesting astronomical clock that was created in the 16th century and has only been functional since 1977.

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Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Visitors information

  • Café within 500m

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Stendal Cathedral

St. Nicholas Cathedral is a late Gothic three-nave church with a transept and a long choir at the polygonal end. The present building was probably built in 1423. It was completed around the middle of the 15th century.

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St. Stephen's Church, Tangermünde

The present building of St. Stephen's Church was built after 1380 on a former pre-1188 church. It was not until 1714 that the north tower was given a baroque dome after the original roof had been destroyed in a city fire some 100 years earlier. Remains of a 14th century painting can be seen around a large hole in the nave vault. They depict four angels with the instruments of Christ's suffering as well as scriptures.

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Kyritz Monastery

The monastery of Kyritz is a former Franciscan monastery dating from the 13th century. The Franciscan monastery was dissolved in 1552 with the arrival of the Reformation in Kyritz in 1539. By 1781, the monastery buildings had become dilapidated after decades of careless use. From 1995, the remaining buildings were restored and the monastery site now serves as a museum of the history of the town, a tourist information centre, a building for events and a public library.