Dormition of the Mother of God Cathedral

The "Holy Assumption", built in 1882 - 1886, is the Cathedral of Varna and one of its symbols. Its construction was undertaken by both Bulgarians and Russians after the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878.

About this building

Other nearby buildings

Azizie Mosque

Sponsored by Sultan Abdul Aziz, the roof of the mosque collasped in 1976 after years of neglegance. Renovation begun in 1990, and two years later in 1992, regular prayers resumed in the monument. Interesting thing about the mihrab niche of the mosuqe is that it is decorated with a golden door from the Kaaba.

Hayrie Mosque

Located in the old part of the city, the mosque with the madrasah next to it was built by Deliver Pasha. Above the entrance door of the mosque is a memorial plaque, from which we read that the mosque was rebuilt in its original way in 1926 by the Islamic community in Varna.

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Navy Church

St. Nicholas Seamen Church, also known as the Navy Church, was founded in 1865. Until the anti-Greek upheavals of the early 20th century, the temple was Greek, but on July 4, 1906, it was occupied by activists of the Bulgarian patriotic movement and Bulgarian priests began to serve. It was only in 1961 that the inner walls of the temple were painted.