Dypvåg Church

Dypvåg Church is a 13th-century church that is known not only for its architecture but especially for its rich and picturesque interior. The church was built, probably in 1200, out of stone with walls over 1.5 metres thick. In 1700 the south wall and the choir were demolished and additions were made to the woodwork with the very unusual altar.

About this building

For more information visit on this building visit https://kirkesok.no/kirke/091400201

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments
  • Links to national heritage

Visitors information

  • Car park at the building
  • Accessible toilets in the building

Other nearby buildings

Laget kirke

Laget church is a long church from 1908. The church was designed by Henrik Nissen and built by builder Theodor Christensen. The church was titled as a chapel in the beginning and was often mentioned, but in the anniversary book from 2008, it was titled as a church.

Tvedestrand Church

Tvedestrand church is a long church from 1860. The building is made of brick and was built by architect Georg Andreas Bull.

Holt Church

The church of Holt was a long stone church in the Middle Ages. In 1753, the transverse arms and choirs were built of wood, so that today only the long walls of the nave and the west wall remain of the original stone church. This modification was carried out by the builder Lars Albretsen Øvrenes. The interior of the church, which like many other churches was repainted in the 19th century, was restored in 1952-53 by Finn Krafft.