Fridalen church

Fridalen church is a brick church completed in 1985. The architects of the church are J.L.Andersen and K.H.Irgens.

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Other nearby buildings

Landås Church

Landås Church is a modernist church built in 1966 by architect Ola Kielland-Lund. The structure is made of concrete, as are the pulpit and baptismal font. The altar consists of a wooden plank which is supported by two concrete pillars and has a wooden crucifix carved by Olav Espevoll.

Slettebakken Church

Slettebakken Church is a 1970 church designed by architect Tore Sveram. The structure is made of concrete with a copper roof whose shape, from several angles, resembles that of a boat with a high mast to the sky. The original drawings of the architect Tore Sveram for the church of Slettebakken are kept in the archives of the city of Bergen.

Årstad church

The Årstad church is a single-nave church dating from 1890. The architect of the church is C.Christie. It is built of gneiss with portals and window frames of soapstone.