Gereformeerde Kerk

Church hall in neo-Gothic forms. Expansion with a tower in 1940.

About this building


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Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk

Enlarged in 1912, damaged by fire in 2003. In the night of 20/21 June 2003 there was a fire in the CGK. A short circuit is probably the cause. Renovation of the church building was already underway. Unfortunately, they can now start all over again. A year later, on 18 June 2004, the rebuilt and renovated church building was put back into use in a festive service. Using old photographs, the interior has been restored to its original state of construction in 1911, whereby a later renovation has also been undone. A "Johannus organ" has been placed behind an organ front purchased in Urk. This church is listed as a Municipal Monument of the Netherlands.

Heilige Bonifatius

Modern hall church with bell tower, built on the site of the old church (demolished in 1988). Some stained glass windows, statues and part of the tiled floor from the old church have been replaced in the new church.