Great Synagogue in Chortkiv

The Great Synagogue in Chortkiv is an Ashkenazi synagogue completed in 1771. The synagogue has wall paintings from 1921. The Baroque stone building is now abandoned. The prayer hall of the synagogue was decorated witht the depictions of the Four animals (a tiger, an eagle, a dear, and a lion). The running inscription הוי עז כנמר וקל כנשר רץ כצבי וגיבור כארי (be strong as the leopard and swift as the eagle, fleet as the gazelle and brave as the lion, Mishnah Avot5:20) corresponds to the images. Other mural paintings included The Jaffo Gate in Jerusalem (Tower of David), The Western Wall, כרם היה לידידי, and Rachel's Tomb. On the western wall there were two paintings with frames to the memory of perished in pogroms. Among the prayers written on the walls were אבינו מלכינו, ויהי בנסוע הארון, ספירת העומר, מזמור שיר ליום שבת. On the ceiling the Zodiac signs were depicted. In the windows of the east wall there were stained glass.
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