Heilige Dominicus

Nickname "Steigerkerk". Built to replace the St. Dominicuskerk that was destroyed in 1940. Very important reconstruction complex, with a defining tower, in the centre of Rotterdam, and a beautiful church in many details. Designated a national monument in 2013.

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Flickr/Frans Berkelaar

Grote of Sint-Laurenskerk

This church is the only remnant of medieval Rotterdam. This church was buit between the 15th and 16th centuries. It became the first all stone building in Rotterdam. The church was heavily damaged in the blitz of Rotterdam in 1940 and restoration was completed in 1968.


Church of Ammerstol

Neo-Gothic village church with tower. Replaced church from 1333. The Reformed Church from 1880-1881 has been placed on the list of National Monuments because of its historical inventory.

Doopsgezinde Kerk

Interesting reconstruction church. Hall church without tower, but remarkably situated. Also used as ecumenical student church until 2002. On Sunday afternoons also used by the Full Gospel Church Eljakim.