Hervormde Kerk

Reformed Church. In the church from 1877, a 17th century pulpit with Prott coat of arms on the tub; sounding board; a covered pew from the 18th century. Initially, this church housed the organ from the previous church, made in 1842 by GP Dik. The current organ from 1911, made by the Gebr. Van Oeckelen, is a gift from Udo Bronseman and Annie Hogeveen. Under the pulpit large tombstone of the Prott family. Mechanical tower clock, equipped with electric winding.

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Goede Herderkerk

Reformed Good Shepherd Church in Grootegast from 1958. Important late work in the oeuvre of Egbert Reitsma (1892-1976), designed in collaboration with his son LH Reitsma. Large, octagonal hall church with a tent roof in the form of a central construction. On the left in front of the church is a freestanding, openwork bell tower. Typologically rare in Reformed church architecture due to the application of the pure central construction form.


Modern polygonal building from 2000 designed by the architects J. and A. Mars. The hexagonal church hall is surrounded by various outbuildings. Built as the Reformed Church (Liberated), after the merger in 2023 NGK
