Hylestad Church

The church in Hylestad is a wooden church dating from 1838-39. The church is the third in this parish. The first, Hylestad Stave Church, was built in the 1600s, and the church that replaced it began to fall into disrepair in the 1830s.

About this building

For more information visit on this building visit https://kirkesok.no/kirke/094000101

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Visitors information

  • Car park at the building

Other nearby buildings

Valle Church

The Valle church in Setesdal was built between 1843 and 1844 by the master-builder Anders Thorsen Syrtveit according to a standard design by the architect Linstow.

Austad Church

Austad church dates from 1880. The architect of the church, which is built of wood, was builder Oskar Fabricius.

Sandnes Church

The Sandnes church is an octagonal church dating from 1844. The church was built by Anders Thorsen Syrtveit according to the design by Hans Ditlev Franciscus von Linstow. It was first built on Sandnes in Bygland and was moved to Åraksbø in 1935.