Ježevica Monastery

Ježevica Monastery dates probably back to the 14th century. Before the addition of the narthex and the Baroque bell tower in the 19th century, between 1846 and 1853, the church was about 12 metres long. It is assumed that the foundation form of the Ježevica church was derived from that of the Arilje church, and the Arilje church from the church of Žiča.

About this building

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Other nearby buildings

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Sretenje Monastery

Sretenje Monastery is one of ten monasteries in the gorge of Ovčar-Kablar. The monastery was founded in the 16th century and underwent extensive renovations in 1818. The church has frescoes and an iconostasis. Among the monastery's treasures are a 17th-century baptismal font and a collection of manuscripts.

Wikimedia Commons/Vladimir Mijailović

Jovanje Monastery

It is believed that the monastery of Jovanje existed before the battle of Kosovo in 1389. However, the present monastery was built in 1957 after the construction of Lake Medjuvrsje. The former church dedicated to St. John the Baptist was flooded during the construction of the hydroelectric power plant and Lake Medjuvrsje.