
This congregation was founded after a schism in the Dutch Reformed Church in 1886 , the so-called Doleantie. In 1887, the church council of the Dolerende bought a double mansion with the coach house behind it on the Kerkstraat.

About this building


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Heilige Franciscus Xaverius / De Krijtberg

The Krijtberg is the successor to a clandestine church that had been located in a house called Crijtberg since 1654 and was served by Jesuits. Construction of the current church began in 1881. The neo-Gothic church was designed by architect Alfred Tepe . Just as he had done with the Sint-Willibrorduskerk in Utrecht, Tepe had to build a large church on a relatively small surface area, this time between the existing canal houses.

Bij 't Lam

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Andreas Praefcke/Wikimedia Commons


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