Langhus Church

The church of Langhus was built between 1956 and 1975. The church was built to serve as a gathering point for activities other than just religious services. In the basement, numerous group rooms and a lounge were built. In the beginning, the Langhus scout group was based in the church, and the church also served as a school during a period when the school in Vevelstadåsen was expanded.

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  • Parking within 250m

Other nearby buildings

Dale Church

Dale church is a wooden church dating from 1864. There is no reliable information on the date of construction of the first church in Dale. We do know, however, that the original church, probably a stave church, was demolished in 1593 to make way for a new tarred wooden church that was kept until 1863.

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Ski Church

Ski Church is a medieval stone church with a rectangular nave and a lower, narrower rectangular chancel. The bell tower in front of the west entrance, built in 1860, replaced an old wooden porch. The base of the tower is made of stone, while the upper part of the tower is made of wood. The sacristy to the east was built in 1934 according to the plans of architect Ole Stein. As part of the extensive reconstruction of the church by Nicolay Nicolaysen in 1860, the portals and windows of the church were demolished and modified or rebuilt. The interior was also considerably modified in 1860, with new galleries and pews. The interior was then restored in 1935 under the direction of the architect Ole Stein.