Leinstrand Church

Leinstrand Church is a long church dating from 1673. The church has been rebuilt and restored several times and was given a new appearance after a restoration in 1963-64 according to the plans of John Egil Tverdahl. The burial chapel in the church cemetery was built in 1965.

About this building

For more information visit on this building visit https://kirkesok.no/kirke/160100701

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Other nearby buildings

Heimdal Church

Heimdal church was built in masonry in 1960. The architect of the church is H.Semmelmann.

Kolstad church

Kolstad church was built from 1986 in a Nordic modernist style. The architect for the church was Nils Henrik Eggen.

Melhus Church

The Melhus church, also known as the Gauldals Cathedral, is a stone church dating from 1892. The church is first mentioned in 1533. It is a long church which is thought to have been started just before 1150. The church was demolished in 1890, but three of the four portals were rebuilt into the present church.