Lønset Church

Lønset Church is a wooden church was built in an octagonal style in 1863 by the architect Sjur Jamtseter and the carpenter J. Rønningen.

About this building

For more information visit on this building visit https://kirkesok.no/kirke/163400201

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Visitors information

  • Accessible toilets in the building

Other nearby buildings

Oppdal kirke

Consecrated in 1651, the church in Oppdal is a cross-plan church with a white-painted vertical plank exterior. During the restoration of 1951-53, the planks on the walls were removed and the church hall regained its unpainted wooden walls and several pieces of furniture from the time of construction.

Romfo Church

The Romfo church is an octagonal church dating from 1821. It was designed by architect Ole Pedersen Tøfte. The church contains older objects, among others an altarpiece from 1713. There is also a figure of Olav and a crucifix from the Catholic period. The figure of Olav is made of wood and depicts a seated Saint Olav.

Nerskogen Chapel

Nerskogen chapel is a wooden building completed in 1962. The church has a long plan and was designed by architect J.E.Tverdahl.