New Cathedral of Brescia
The new cathedral was erected between 1604 and 1825 on the site of the early Christian basilica of San Pietro de Dom (5th-6th century). The old cathedral, which was in an advanced state of deterioration, had to be replaced by a new one, more suited to the new architectural requirements dictated by the Counter-Reformation and more in line with the architecture of the time. Three phases of construction can be identified for the new cathedral: the first (1604 to 1611) was directed by the architect Giovanni Battista Lantana, who, seeing his initial project fundamentally revised, eventually left the building site. The second phase (1611 - 1630) was directed by Lorenzo Binago but was halted by the Brescia plague epidemic, which undermined the city for several decades. The third phase (1695 - 1825) is that of Antonio Biasio, who will hand over the task to his son in 1758 and will not be completed until the next century when the dome of the church is finally built.