Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo, Naples

The Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo is a historic church at Piazza Dante in Naples. The church is also known as San Michele a Port'Alba in reference to the historic city gate located in the same square.

About this building

The church was built around 1620. However, its grandeur came with the reconstruction in the 18th century by Domenico Antonio Vaccaro and the subsequent enlargement by Giuseppe Astarita. The building has a magnificent rococo façade. The church is home to important paintings by Giuseppe Marullo.

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments
  • Interior features

Visitors information

  • Steps to enter the building or churchyard
  • Café within 500m

Other nearby buildings

Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo

The church of Gesù Nuovo or "Trinità Maggiore", built between 1584 and 1725, houses a vertiginous amount of Baroque paintings and sculptures.

Sant'Anna dei Lombardi

The church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi was inaugurated in 1411 under the name of Santa Maria di Monteoliveto. It was in 1801 that the name of the church changed when it left the fold of the Benedictine order of the Olivetan Fathers.