St Botolph

St Botolph was a Saint from East Anglia who died around 680. The present church at Swyncombe was built probably by Saxon workers under the command of the Normans. It is situated on the Ridgeway once a major road from Avebury in Wiltshire to the flint mines of Norfolk.

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St Mary the Virgin

St Mary's Ewelme is an exceptional church with a distinguished history. The present building has not changed greatly for almost 600 years, having been reordered in 1437. It is a rare opportunity to see a place of worship with strong echoes stretching back over 100 years before the Reformation. Many people come to see the tomb of Alice de la Pole, Geoffrey Chaucer's granddaughter.

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Carmel College Synagogue

The Carmel College Synagogue was built in 1963-1964 in the former Carmel College. This was the first Jewish public boarding school in the UK. The college has been closed since 1997. The synagogue is currently a Grade II Listed Building.

St Bartholomew

Dating from 1724 when the almshouses forming the three sided courtyard, with St Bartholomew's chapel in the centre, were founded, along with a small hospital building.
