Anadiou Mosque

The old mosque, whose existence can certainly be proven from 1939 onwards in the old settlement of Anadiou, was destroyed in the earthquake of 1953; contrary to Bağişkan's description, a new mosque does not seem to have been rebuilt on the same site.Rather, the new mosque was centrally located in the new settlement.

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Thorsten Kruse

Sarama Mosque

The mosque is located on the western edge of the former village centre. Little is known about its history, but it is certain that the current building replaced a previous mosque on the same site. Bağişkan assumes that the building was rebuilt after the 1953 earthquake. Aerial photographs from 1963 show that the building has no roof at that time. It may have been newly built at that time.

Thorsten Kruse

Asprogia Mosque

The mosque in Asprogeia is located in a westerly direction a little outside the village proper. Despite a larger number of Muslim inhabitants, the mosque in the village was built quite late.

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Istinco Mosque

According to T. Bağişkan there were two mosques in the village. The old one was in a ruinous state in 1934 and was replaced by a new mosque on an adjacent plot. The keystone of this mosque, which was built by a Greek Cypriot tender, was laid in 1935.