St Mary in the Baum

St Mary in the Baum, on St Mary's Gate, was founded in 1740 as a chapel of ease to minister to the people living north of the River Roch. Today's church, designed by eminent church architect Sir Ninian Comper, was opened in 1911, described as 'a place rich in Comperisms'.

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Chemical Engineer/Flickr

St Mary the Virgin

The present church is largely Victorian and is located at the highest point in the town. The spire predates the rest of the church. The church is the Garrison Church of the Lancashire Fusiliers and the Regimental Colours hang in the nave.

Todmorden Tourist Information Centre/Flickr

Todmorden Unitarian Church

Todmorden Unitarian Church has had a tumultuous and dramatic history, fitting of its grand and striking architecture. It is regarded as one of the finest examples of the Gothic Revival style of architecture.
Built in 1865 by the three Fielden brothers in honour of their late father, MP ‘Honest' John Fielden. Fielden Snr was the mill owner responsible for the 1847 Ten Hours Act, limiting the hours worked by women and children in textile mills.


St Mary

Prestwich is not mentioned in the Domesday Book but there is evidence of a church on the site from at least 1200. The tower was built in about 1500 by the 1st Earl of Derby, and the body of the church was rebuilt during the early part of the 16th century. In 1872 a new chapel, the Birch Chapel, was added to the south of the chancel and to the east of the existing south Lever chapel; the Lever Chapel was rebuilt two years later.