St Bartholomew

St Bartholomew's church at Tong turned 600 years old in 2010. This notable landmark is often described as ‘The Westminster Abbey of the Midlands'.

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Karl Fryer/Flickr

White Ladies Priory

Ruins of the late 12th century church of a small nunnery of 'white ladies' or Augustinian canonesses. The priory enjoyed a moment of high drama in 1651 when it briefly became the hiding place of Charles II after his defeat at the Battle of Worcester. Disguised as a woodsman with his face covered in soot, he soon moved to nearby Boscobel House.

Dave Collier/Flickr

All Saints

The church has pride of place in this historic hilltop village, making a photogenic composition with the black and white houses around it. The chancel is believed to stand on Roman foundations, and the oldest visible parts of the building are early Norman.