Maarten Lutherkerk

This church building was designed for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the architectural style of the Amsterdam School by the architect F Jantzen .

About this building


Other nearby buildings


The original Weteringkerk was a building built around 1800 on Derde Weteringdwarsstraat in Amsterdam. It was a theatre that, after several changes of purpose, was converted into a church building for the Free Evangelical Churches around 1870 , a denomination that had emerged from the Christian Reformed Churches.

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente

On 17 November 2008, work began on the Zuidelijke Wandelweg, where the new synagogue of the Liberal Jewish Community was built. It was put into use on Sunday 29 August 2010.

Heilige Gabriël

The Hillehuis, considered a textbook example of the first steps of the Amsterdam School. The result is still fairly traditional, with mainly vertical lines. Construction entrepreneur K. Hille was the client.