Raw Aron Schuster Sjoel

The Rav Aron Schuster Synagogue or the Obrechtsjoel is the largest still functioning Ashkenazi synagogue (sjoel) in Amsterdam. The synagogue is located on the corner of the Jacob Obrechtplein and the Heinzestraat in Amsterdam-Zuid.

About this building


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Onze Lieve Vrouw van de Allerheiligste Rozenkrans / Obrechtkerk

This neo-Romanesque cross basiliekwas built between 1908 and 1911 after a design by Jos Cuypers and Jan Stuyt. Cuypers had already started in 1898 with the construction of the Sint Bavo in Haarlem, which was not completed until 1930, and in his architectural style clearly meant a transition from the neo-Gothic to a new church architecture.

H.H. Petrus en Paulus

The church, rectory and study form a whole and were designed by Johan WF Hartkamp jr. , a pupil of Hendrik Petrus Berlage . The church complex was completed in 1914 as a continuation of the clandestine church 'De Ooievaar' on the Barndesteeg .