Christelijk Gereformeerde Kerk

Simple, but interesting in detail, interbellum church without a tower.

About this building


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Baptisten Gemeente Maranatha

Building from 1862 of the Association of Christian Interests in Franeker. Initially used as a school, later as a meeting location. In 1895 it came into the possession of the Reformed Church. Because a facade stone with an opened Bible was placed in the wall, this building was known as "the Bible". From 1926 this building became the home of the alcohol control organization ANDO for over 40 years. From 1982 it became a church, when the Reformed Church Liberated moved in. Out of use in 2003, after which the building was sold to the Free Baptist Church Maranatha (split-off Filadelfia). The Reformed Church Liberated then moved to the church building at Voorstraat 71


Reformed Church. Spacious three-aisled pseudo-basilica, the side aisles of which continue as an ambulatory around the choir, covered by wooden vaults. Entrance gate on the east side with a head as a keystone and crowned with a cartouche around the coat of arms of the city, held by two female figures as tenants. (1647). Internal brick railing around the choir, 15th century. Wall paintings on the pillars. Large number of tombstones, some of which are upright in the choir and including very beautiful 16th-18th century examples.
