Our Lady & St Peter

An attractive but architecturally unexceptional late Victorian church, originally intended as a dual purpose school and chapel. It was badly damaged in World War II but was subsequently restored and has good recent additions.

About this building

For more information visit on this building visit www.explorechurches.org/church/our-lady-st-peter-woodhall-spa

Other nearby buildings


St Peter

St Peter's is a relatively new church, being built because the old parish church of St Andrew, only seating 190, was too small. It was consecrated in 1893 by Rt Revd Dr Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln.

Mike Jackson/Flickr

St Andrew

Stainfield St Andrews celebrates the rich heritage of this beautiful Queen Anne church, built on the site of an early 12th century Benedictine nunnery, now medieval parkland in the Lincolnshire Limewoods. Admire the recently redecorated building, sit quietly and enjoy the tranquil setting.