Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk

Built as a Reformed Church, in use as such until 2004. Thereafter Christian Reformed Church.

About this building


Other nearby buildings

Bell tower in a graveyard

Toornwerd Church

Opposite the Ewsum lock in Middelstum lies Toornwerd. Formerly a church village, it is now a hamlet. The mound where Toornwerd lay was excavated at the beginning of the 19th century.

Doopsgezinde Vermaning

Mennonite Church. Simple three-sided closed hall church with a tower above the front facade, built in 1863. The church contains a cabinet organ built by D. Onderhorst (Amsterdam) around 1860 with pipes and a wind chest by J. Duyschot from around 1700. The organ was previously in Huizinge and was placed in this church in 1863. This church is listed as a National Monument of the Netherlands.
