
With a beautiful tower and sober interior, the Redbadcherke in Jorwert is a fine example of a Romanesque church. The front church has recently been renovated. The church is also used as a base for Stifting Nijkleaster.
About this building
The church is located on a mound in the middle of the village and is surrounded by an extensive cemetery. The walls are decorated with a layout with bands of tuff and twill friezes. The reverberation holes are richly detailed with sub-columns of Bremer sandstone. A saddle roof crowns the whole. On the west side of the tower a round arch entrance is visible. A sundial from 1621 is attached to the south wall of the church. The tower of this tufa church is one of the most beautiful of its kind. The two clocks are from 1394 and 1749. They are sounded by the members of the 'whistleblower' guild every day at noon, but on Thursdays students from the school do this work. The are also heard for deaths and births in the village. For a newborn 'famke' the small clock sounds, while for a boy the big clock sounds. The organ from 1799 by A. Gruizen has a playful front and a large number of musical instruments as decoration. The church of Jorwert is occasionally used by the Protestant municipality Westerwert. Outside these hours, the church will be opened as much as possible to tourists, pilgrims who walk the Jabikspaad and other interested parties. Opening hours: April to October. The front church and floor above have been in use since Sunday 28 October 2012 with the Stifting Nijkleaster. The church is managed by our Local Commission. The church hall lends itself to concerts for up to 110 visitors.