At the end of the 1920s, the construction of the western suburbs created the need for a fourth REFORMED CHURCH. In 1930, the church board invited several architects to make a design. The plan by Egbert Reitsma from Groningen appeared to come closest to the available construction sum. The foundation stone was laid on 1 October 1931, the building was put into use on 19 July 1932. As a result of the global economic crisis, cutbacks were implemented, including roof tiles instead of slates. The style is Reitsma's personal variant of the Amsterdam School. Externally, the building underwent no changes, internally only changes to the liturgical centre and, in addition, the pews were replaced by chairs. Reitsma adopted many of the recommendations that Abraham Kuyper made in his collection 'Onze Eeredienst' (Kampen, 1911) with regard to the design and use of art in the church.