
Neo-Romanesque church with unequal double tower front, built in 1906 to a design by JC Wentinck. As an example of Protestant church architecture in Neo-Romanesque style, with stylistic references to late Romanesque architecture in the Rhineland (superstructure tower), the church is remarkable and quite rare. The church hall, in the shape of a Greek cross, covered by wooden barrel vaults, stands perpendicular to the street; the front facade from the street is the side facade of the church hall. In this facade, above the main entrance, a large rose window. Above the entrance portal a wimberg (ornamental facade), flanked by natural stone pilasters with cube capitals. The two towers, a low one crowned with a tent roof and on the right a high, heavy bell tower, crowned by a spire with four diamond shields. The sound holes are divided by squat columns. Bells have never been installed. At house number 9 is the 'service entrance' to the annex rooms with the sexton's house above it.

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Rather inconspicuous from the outside, but a beautiful modern church building in anthroposophical style on the inside.