Pochayiv Lavra

Pochayiv Lavra is an Orthodox monastery of the sixteenth century located in the city of Pochaiv. It is the second largest Orthodox after the Lavra of Kiev-Pechersk, Ukraine.
Pochayiv Lavra is an Orthodox monastery of the sixteenth century located in the city of Pochaiv. It is the second largest Orthodox after the Lavra of Kiev-Pechersk, Ukraine.
Originally built in the 18th century as a Jesuit Catholic church, the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola and Stanislaus Kostka currently functions as a Ukranian Orthodox church. This church changed denominations and functions a number of times throughout its history, switching between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and even being used as a sport's hall during the Soviet Union.
The exact period of the cemetery’s establishment is unknown. According to an expedition of the US Commission in the 2000s, the earliest preserved gravestone relates to the early 17th century. In 2018, the ESJF expedition did not locate this gravestone on the site. The cemetery fence was installed by ESJF in August 2017.
The exact period of the cemetery’s establishment is unknown. According to the US Commission expedition in the 2000s, the earliest preserved gravestone relates to 1583. It can be assumed that the cemetery already operated in the late 16th century. First, it appears on Russian maps of 1891.
In March 1942, 3,500 Jews were forced to live in a ghetto. The Jews from the neighbouring villages were placed into it. On August 11, 1942, about 2,500 Jews were executed when the ghetto was liquidated.