
The Zuiderkerk, built between 1603 and 1614, is the first church designed in Amsterdam for Protestant worship. It was built in a Baroque style.
The Zuiderkerk, built between 1603 and 1614, is the first church designed in Amsterdam for Protestant worship. It was built in a Baroque style.
The Walloon Church (French: Église Wallonne ) is a church located in the southern part of the Oudezijds Achterburgwal in Amsterdam. The church was formerly also called the French Church, Walenkerk, Oude Walenkerk or Oude Waalse Kerk.
Church hall at the bottom of a larger complex. Out of use 1816, in 1850 Free Evangelical Community. Restored in 1986. Since 1997 back in use as Armenian Apostolic Church. In terms of furnishings, including icons, this church is comparable to Orthodox churches.
The Christ Church in Amsterdam is a former cloth hall converted into an Anglican church on the Groenburgwal . [ 1 ] It is one of the first, possibly the first, buildings in the Netherlands in the style of the Neo-Gothic.