Church of Notre-Dame du Mont-Harou

Built halfway up the slope of Mount Harou, to which it owes part of its name, this Romanesque church built of roussard stone has a triple arched western portal. While the southern facade preserves a majestic Renaissance door, one can guess under the capital of one of the pilasters the traces of an ancient sundial.

About this building

The church was long referred to as Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Harou. The oldest part belonged to the abbey of Moutiers and can be found in the lower parts of the church, and the portal with columns and capitals. From the same period also appears, at the chevet of the building, a semicircular building which must have once served as a chapel. Mural paintings dating back to the 13th century have been found on the vault of this room, Christ being surrounded by the Evangelists and their attributes.

Key Features

  • Monuments
  • Interior features

Visitors information

  • Parking within 250m

Other nearby buildings

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Church of Saint-Martin de Nocé

The church of Saint-Martin, registered with the Historical Monuments, is located in Nocé, in Normandy.It was probably built in the 12th century near the castle Nocé, which was ruined and abandoned after the Hundred Years War. The church is composed of a three bay nave, a choir with a Romanesque semicircular chevet and a square bell tower. The altarpiece and the tabernacle and various paintings and statues are notable features.

Notre-Dame de Mortagne-au-Perche Church

The construction of the church began in 1494 and was completed in 1535, following the destruction of the previous one by the Hundred Years' War. The tower was destroyed by fire in 1887, which led to its reconstruction, but it collapsed 13 years later, weakened by the fire.

Sauvegarde de l'Art Français

Church of Notre-Dame

The church of Notre-Dame, registered with the Historical Monuments, is located in Vichères, in the region of Center-Val de Loire. The current building, which dates from the sixteenth century, consists of two adjoining naves: the Romanesque north aisle, with a wooden vault. and the Renaissance style southern nave, consisting of three bays at right angles. A Renaissance door, now walled off, opened onto the central part. Inside there is a sixteenth century canopy, among other objects.