Church of Saint-Aignan

Building of modest dimensions, with a simple plan consisting of a rectangular nave followed by a choir of the same plan and preceded by a canopy or caquetry. What makes this church particularly interesting are its Romanesque mural paintings discovered in the choir in 1911-1912. Through a thorough study of the style of the movements, clothing and hairstyle of the peasants, the date of the paintings could be fixed around the middle of the 12th century.
About this building
Small church of rectangular plan, with a choir narrower than the nave. A square bell tower, with a sharp spire at the end, dominates the western façade, its base being inside the nave. In front of the façade there is a masonry porch, covered with lean-to. Inside, the choir and the nave are separated by a wall pierced by a curved arcade with a flat intrados. The building is covered with wooden vaults, the choir is decorated with Romanesque mural paintings (12th century) illustrating the life of Christ.