Collegiate church of Saint-Austrégésile

Half Romanesque church for the choir, the absidioles and part of the transept which date from the beginning of the 12th century, half Gothic for the nave of the 15th century. The chevet is surmounted by a twisted bell tower covered with chestnut shingles. The building has been classified as a historical monument since 1886. What makes the building so special is above all its bell-tower called "clocher-tors". Rare are indeed the churches in France to have an arrow whose sides are not straight, but follow a slight curve, as if they had been twisted.
About this building
This church was a dependency of the collegiate church Saint-Austrégésile or Saint-Outrille-du-Château in Bourges. The construction of the choir began at the end of the 11th century. The transept was built at the beginning of the 12th century. The nave was rebuilt around 1450, as well as the western façade. The sacristy was built in the 19th century, on the site of the northern apsidiolus. The plan is Benedictine.