Stitswerd Church

This 13th century ocher-colored church stands on the edge of a mound. The church is dedicated to St. Georgios or St. Joris.

About this building

The church is covered with a hipped roof with a roof turret on top, with a constricted tip.

Inside there are a few special items: a piscina in a 'kielboognis', a rare wooden desk and a pulpit from the beginning of the 17th century.

The patron saint of the Church is a hero from the 4th century, known in Groningen as Saint George of the legend of the Dragon. This legend tells how George, or Joris, killed a dragon that devoured human sacrifices. No weekly services are held in Stitswerd, but special services take place regularly in the church.

Other nearby buildings

Bell tower in a graveyard

Toornwerd Church

Opposite the Ewsum lock in Middelstum lies Toornwerd. Formerly a church village, it is now a hamlet. The mound where Toornwerd lay was excavated at the beginning of the 19th century.