Skallelv Church

Skallelv Chapel in Vadsø is a wooden building built in 1960 by architect Rolf Harlew Jenssen.

About this building

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Visitors information

  • Car park at the building

Other nearby buildings

Vadsø kirke

The Vadsø church is a long church built in concrete according to the designs of the architect Magnus Poulsson. The church has a double tower at the entrance, at the top, connected by a gable. In the space between the towers is a tall golden spire. Above the entrance door is a golden sculpture of the disciple Peter.

Vardø Church

Vardø church is a long concrete church with a lower and narrower choir and a high gable roof. The church was designed by architect Eivind Moestue in a modern style and was put into service in 1958 after the previous church on the site burned down in 1944. In the meantime, the parish house had been used as a temporary church.

Vestre Jakobselv kirke

The Vestre Jakobselv Church, formerly the Vestre Jakobselv Chapel, is a long church from 1940. It was designed by the State Building Inspector's Office and is built of wood. The designs for the chapel of Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Märtha in the forest village of Tørberget in the municipality of Trysil were reused.