Hallaren Church

The Hallaren church, dating from 1881, was designed by the same architect as the former Sletta church, Henrik Nissen, and built by the builder Kristian Hovde. The church in Sandstad, on Hitra, was built seven years later according to the same plans as the Hallaren church.

About this building

For more information visit on this building visit https://kirkesok.no/kirke/162000201

Key Features

  • Architecture
  • Monuments

Other nearby buildings

Dolm Church

Dolm Church is a stone church from the late Middle Ages. The church has been badly exposed to storms and lightning, and it has burned several times, most recently in 1920.

Hitra Church

The Hitra Church was designed by architect Claus Johannessen Hjelte and was completed in 1927. The plan forms a Greek cross with a barrel vault above the arms of the cross and with small extensions of the choir and the gallery indicating direction and length, and with a massive tower with a semi-circular dome in the middle with a cross. The church is characterised by old, ecclesiastical or Byzantine main forms, with a Norwegian medieval tradition in the materials and a little Norwegian Baroque in the details.

Titran Chapel

The Chapel of Titran was built in 1873 on a former church that closed in 1780. The building, originally entirely octagonal, was built after the model of the seminary chapel in Klæboe (Klæbu) where John A. Widtzø, who supervised the works, had studied.